1900 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1900 Total Oldsmobile Production = 14
Curved Dash Prototype
Gasoline Trap

1901 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1901 Total Oldsmobile Production = 425
Oldsmobile 1901
The first speedometer to be offered on a production car was on an Oldsmobile.
Oldsmobile became one of the first car companies to procure parts from third-party suppliers.
Oldsmobile's Curved Dash is the first mass produced automobile in America.
Oldsmobile leads all American automobile manufacturers in number of automobiles produced.
Curved Dash

1902 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1902 Total Oldsmobile Production = 2,500
Oldsmobile 1902
Oldsmobile leads all American automobile manufacturers in number of automobiles produced.
Curved Dash (Model R)

1903 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1903 Total Oldsmobile Production = 3,976
Oldsmobile 1903
Oldsmobile leads all American automobile manufacturers in number of automobiles produced.
Curved Dash (Model R)
Pie Wagon Light Delivery (Model D)
Railroad Inspection Car (Model I)

1904 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1904 Total Oldsmobile Production = 3,412
Curved Dash (C / 6C)
Pie Wagon Light Delivery (Model L)
Railroad Inspection Car (Model I)
Light Tonneau (Model T)
Touring Runabout (Model N)

1905 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1905 Total Oldsmobile Production = 2,294
Curved Dash (Model B)
Pie Wagon Light Delivery (Model L)
Railroad Inspection Car (Model I)
Light Tonneau (Model T)
Touring Runabout (Model N)
Heavy Touring

1906 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1906 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,700
Curved Dash (Model B)
Straight Dash (Model B)
Runabout (Model S)
Gentles Roadster (Model S)
Palace Touring (Model S)
Double Action Touring (Model L)

1907 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1907 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,200
Curved Dash (Model B)
Straight Dash (Model B)
Flying Roadster (Model H)
Palace Touring (Model A/S)
Limo (Model A/S)

1908 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1908 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,055
Palace Touring (Model M)
Limo (Type M)
Toy Tonneau (Model M)
Flying Roadster (Model MR)
5 Passenger Touring (Model X)
7 Passenger Touring (Model Z)

1909 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1909 Total Oldsmobile Production = 6,575
Palace Touring (Model D)
Limo (Model D)
Toy Tonneau (Model D)
Landaulet (Model D)
Flying Roadster Coupe (Model DR)
Touring Car (Model 20)
Touring Car (Model X3)
Special (Model X)
Touring Car (Model Z)
Limo (Model Z)
Landaulet (Model Z)
Runabout (Model ZR)
Toy Tonneau (Model ZR)
Delivery Wagon (Model A2)

1910 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1910 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,850
Special Roadster
Special Touring
Special Limo
Special Close Coupled Touring
Limited Roadster
Limited Touring
Limited Limo
Limited Close Coupled Touring

1911 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
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1911 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,111 (sales figure, not production #)
Special 7 Passenger Touring
Special 4 Passenger Close Coupled
Special 2 Passenger Roadster
Special 7 Passenger Limo
Limited 7 Passenger Touring
Limited 5 Passenger Touring
Limited 2-3 Passenger Roadster
Limited 4 Passenger Tourabout
Limited Racer
Limited 7 Passenger Limo
Limited Chassis
Autocrat 7 Passenger Touring
Autocrat 5 Passenger Touring
Autocrat 2-3 Passenger Roadster
Autocrat 4 Passenger Tourabout
Autocrat Torpedo
Autocrat Racer
Autocrat Patrol Chassis
Autocrat 7 Passenger Limo

1912 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1912 Total Oldsmobile Production = 970 (sales figure, not production #)
Special Touring
Special Limo
Special Close Coupled Touring
Special Patrol Chassis
Limited 7 Passenger Touring
Limited 4 Passenger Tourabout
Limited 2 Passenger Roadster
Limited 7 Passenger Limo
Limited 5 Passenger
Limited Fire Chassis
Limited Chassis
Autocrat 7 Passenger Touring
Autocrat 4 Passenger Tourabout
Autocrat 5 Passenger Touring
Autocrat 2 Passenger Roadster
Autocrat 2 Passenger Speedster/Racer
Autocrat Phaeton Touring Berlin Body
Autocrat 7 Passenger Limo
Autocrat Patrol Wagon / Fire Truck
Autocrat Chassis
Defender 5 Passenger Touring
Model 40 2 Passenger Roadster
Model 40 3 Passenger Coupe
Model 40 Tourabout
Model 40 Chassis
Z 1909 Touring

1913 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1913 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,175
Model 40 Touring
Model 40 Coupe
Model 40 Combo Coupe / Roadster
Model 40 Tourabout
Model 40 Roadster
Model 53 4 Passenger Tourabout
Model 53 5 Passenger Touring
Model 53 7 Passenger Touring

1914 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1914 Total Oldsmobile Production = 1,400
Olds 6 Model 54 7 Passenger Touring
Olds 6 Model 54 4-5 Passenger Phaeton
Olds 6 Model 54 Limo
Baby Olds Model 42 Touring