R.E.Olds builds his first horseless carriage. It is a three wheeled steam powered vehicle.
At the time, steam and electric powered carriages were more common than combustion engines, which were more complex and harder to control.
1897 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1897 Total Oldsmobile Production = 4 (# across 1897-99)
Oldsmobile 1897
Olds publicly offers for sale his first gas powered vehicle. Olds Motor Vehicle Company is formed August 21, 1897.

1898 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1898 Total Oldsmobile Production = 4 (# across 1897-99)
Curved Dash Prototype

1899 Oldsmobile Catalog
Oldsmobile Brochures
No brochures added yet.
1899 Total Oldsmobile Production = 4 (# across 1897-99)
Curved Dash Prototype